Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quiet and Motherhood...yeah, I don't think so!

Do you ever have one of those days where you don't wanna do anything but curl up with your current read and just sit on the deck and enjoy the breeze and chirping birds? Well, I do..and today is definitely one of those days!  Not that things are bad, but just wanna escape in my own little world for a while.  Unfortunately as a momma, this is most often than not impossible not to mention impractical!  With three monkeys running around, I have to be ON at all times!  Now, don't get me wrong, I have TRIED to escape, but I am usually brought back from my nirvana by a high pitched scream, a crash, an argument or just the baby wanting some juice.  I have a sister-in-law who doesn't, at this time, have any children...I call to chat and it's so...what's the word...ah..quiet!  We chat and I ask what she has planned for the day..not heavenly.  And while it truly DOES sound heavenly, especially on days like today, when I just wanna curl up inside myself and be with my own own own ponderings..I wouldn't trade my monkeys for ANYTHING!  The day of quiet will come soon enough.  Yes, it may seem far off, right now...but looking at the life of my seasoned mom friends who have launched multiple children into adulthood, I realize the blessing I do have dancing around in front of me right now.  Josh and I have committed to live in the now...enjoy the blessings, in the NOW.  So, while there may be crashes, arguing, spills on the carpet, and very few quiet moments...I will relish in the few seconds I can squeeze in and then giggle with the best of 'em! Here's to hoping you can squeeze in a few quiet moments too...cheers

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