Monday, July 26, 2010

Stay at home mom, aka Professional Homemaker...

I had the privilege of meeting a lady who said in response of my answer of "I stay home", "oh, you're a professional homemaker." I could have hugged her. So often when I meet someone new and they ask what I do for a living and I say stay home, they say kind of quiet, 'oh'. Like oh, well, what you do isn't important, or it makes me uncomfortable, so I just won't say anything.
I have decided to change my thinking...From now on, whenever someone asks me what I do, I am going to hold my head up proudly, smile and say "I am a stay at home mom." I no longer care what people think of my profession. I am doing what God has asked of me. So from now on, here is my job description....
Uniform: any shirt is acceptable as long as it has mustard or ketchup on the shoulder, pants or shorts and they must have greasy fingerprints on them. hair~pony tail or pulled up with clips is the best.
Begin work with the sun or when the little guys come in and jump on you and ask for breakfast. Must be ready to hit the ground running. During the day you are responsible for preparing meals, cleaning up after meals, wiping mouths, wiping noses, breaking up fights and settling disputes. You also must enforce the completion of chores, and maintain a moderately happy environment.
You also need to be able to stop doing housework at a moments notice and snuggle in a chair with the child and their lovey. And if needed lay down with them while they take their nap.
The perks of this job are you get told 'I love you' at various times of the day and with no notice at all, a huge hug comes your way. You also are able to witness those little moments that makes being a mom worth while. Like when your children are playing together or when they tell you that no one is as beautiful as you are.

I am a stay at home mom.....aka a Professional Homemaker and so happy to be such!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Awake again...

With all three of my pregnancies, the last month is marked by one thing....insomnia! I have the most awful time getting comfortable and am completely unable to sleep. For some, baby coming means less sleep. For me, it means MORE! With Britton I would lay on the couch and watch tv and try to sleep as I had to teach the next day. With Aidan, I would lay on the couch, watch tv and panic over having another child. With Liam, since he is our last, I find myself sitting in my chair, gazing out my window, thinking of my past two pregnancies and how different they have been. Last night was no different than any other night. About 3 a.m. I awoke and couldn't go back to sleep. I was burning up, though everyone else in the house was covered as if they were sleeping in a blizzard, and I was uncomfortable. So, instead of tossing and turning, I got up, when to Liam's room and sat in my chair and looked out the window. As I sat there I thought about how when Liam gets here, I will be able to sleep a little more again. Then I started remembering what it was like for each child and myself when they awoke in the middle of the night. I feel like I need to write them down, as I hadn't realized I remembered so much and someday I may forget....
When Britton was a newborn, he wouldn't sleep unless he was holding my finger. I would take my pillow and put it half on my bed and on the side of his bassinet and hold his finger all night long. When he was awakening for a feeding, he would just belt it. Let out a scream. There was no building up to it. He was hungry and he wanted fed...NOW! I would nurse Britton, and sometimes we fell asleep together. I would awaken 2 hours later and try to put him in his bed, but no go..he needed my finger or me holding him!

When Aidan was a newborn, I didn't nurse. So, he would sleep a little longer than Brit. He would sleep in his bassinet and I would hear him start to stir. I knew that it meant it was time for him to eat. I would roll over, and hit the button on the bottle warmer and sneak in a few more z's before he really started to fuss, 2 minutes later! He would eat and then I would place him in his bed. He was back to sleep before I could get laid back down.

Each child so different. I am so curious as to how Liam will be. Will he be a screamer, feed me now, darn it...or will he just fuss a bit until he gets his bottle. I am so excited for him to be here. Ready to start our life with him. We are already making plans that include him, aka, vacation in October, vacation in December, wedding in June....but I am ready for him to be here now. I wanna see how Aidan reacts the first time he sees him. I cannot wait. I wanna see Britton the first time he kisses his brother's head. (he kisses my tummy now all the time and says, Hi Liam, it's Britton and I love you.) I know that he will be here for sure in a month, but that seems so far away. Especially since I do not sleep. I can wait, sure, but do I want to? No way! I wanna see this sweet baby now. Our final member of our family...Liam will YOU make your mark on this family?! We will see soon enough!

Friday, July 23, 2010

bossy 6 year old...

So, I have a bossy six year old...Now those WITH or who HAVE had a six year old would probably be today Britton pulled one over on me that literally left me with my mouth hanging open....
I was preparing supper. At the same time that he walked into the kitchen, I yelled, "JOSH"...Brit said, "momma what do you need?" I said, "I need Daddy to help me with something." Brit, "What?" Me, "Well, I need help getting that bowl, I can't reach it." Brit, "Right now Daddy's drawing with me, I will have him come down in a little bit." I said, "but Brit..." He interrupted, "don't worry Momma, he will get it, I'll tell him to." I said, "Boy you sure are bossy today." Brit started to walk out of the kitchen then turned back and looked at me and said, "Rule of life #77, when you're mom says you're bossy it doesn't necessarily mean it's true."
And WHAT could I say to that??!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Britton IS his grandfathers grandson!!!

Today at supper, Britton asked me why they "throw rolls at that restaurant"...(Lamberts) I said, "well, that's just the way they do things.." He said, "What are they too lazy to WALK over there and give them to you?" Oh yes, Brit you are DEFINITELY your grandfather's grandson! You act just like your Poppa! Love you so much....Love your poppa too...

Britton's activism!

Today on the way into town Britton asked me about what was going to happen to the dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico b/c there is oil in the ocean. I told him I wasn't sure that it was a major concern right now. He said, well, are dolphins freshwater fish? I said, no..but there IS a dolphin in the Amazon River and it IS a freshwater fish, but the ones in the Gulf need saltwater to survive. He said, well, Mom, if there is ever any oil in the Amazon we are flying down there and getting those dolphins and putting them in our swimming pool....I chuckled and said, Ok problem!
I am so proud of my little activist! Look out WORLD!!