Thursday, July 7, 2011

Are we a woodpecker?

After dropping my oldest son off at swim lessons this a.m., I decided to sneak in a run real quick, while I had the time. As I'm running through the park I hear a noise coming from the light post. It's not at the wood, it's at the top where the metal is. I realized immediately it was a wood pecker. As I'm running along, trying to remember to breath, I had to chuckle because my first thought was "stupid woodpecker, pecking on metal.." because obviously he wasn't going to find any worms THERE. Then I got to thinking, I have found as long as I'm focused on something OTHER than my run, while running, I don't convince myself I'm dying. As I run, I usually try to ask God to show me something....something of Him. Then I heard the woodpecker again. And this time instead of thinking "stupid woodpecker" I thought, we are sometimes like the woodpecker. We peck and peck at the things that will NOT give us nutrition. I'm not talking about eating those Milky Way's or Snicker's but spiritual nutrition. We expect our friends yay even our families to spiritually fill us up. When that doesn't happen we wonder why..we may even decide to look for it in other, houses, and yeah, sometimes we seek refuge in food..while the food supplies our needs physically, we wonder why we still feel empty? Why do we still feel the need for more.
PSALMS 42:3 My tears have been my food day and night, While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”
God is the only true supplier of spiritual nutrition. There was a song that was popular by the artist Plumb. She mostly writes songs about motherhood now, but at one time she was an alternative Christian artist. Very grunge like, who wrote songs about issues facing teens and young adults, ie cutting etc. She had one song out in the 90's that talked about how "there's a God shaped hole in all of us." He designed us that way. Nothing will fill our "God shaped hole" except Him. No amount of serving at the local homeless shelter will truly fill it. It may make us seem full for a while, but like empty calories, we will be starving again soon!
Psalms 54:4 Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.
So, like the woodpecker..we can peck peck peck at the things that will NOT feed our spirits...or...we can turn to the ONE who is the sustainer of our souls..the nutrition for our hearts. He alone can heal our hurts, he alone can make us feel loved, and he alone can make us whole. It will not go away, like a chocolate high will. No, he is "the same yesterday and today and forever." ~Hebrews 13:8

Proverbs 26:11 Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly.

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