As I mentioned in the previous post...the boys and I have decided to do at least 1 random act of kindness or service per week...if we have the opportunity to do more, we will, but we will do at least ONE intentional random act.
This week, I had planned on doing our random act on Wednesday. I spent most of Tuesday and Wednesday praying about it and just didn't have any idea where to start. I spent most of Thursday thinking/praying about it as well....still, nothing. Friday came and I got up early to do my quiet time. I was sitting on my deck with my coffee and I closed my eyes and said, "God, guide me, what are we supposed to do?" At that moment, I envisioned me and the boys making muffins for the local fire fighters and delivering them to the fire department. I thought, well, that might be fun...When Aidan and Britton got up, I asked them, what they thought and they literally jumped at the chance! They started jumping around the house...they even added a dimension to it that I hadn't thought of...they wanted to make them "thank you" cards. So...we did. During Liam's quiet time, we baked the firefighters muffins. We decided to make them mini muffins, figured they would go further..Then they worked on the cards for the fire fighters. Aidan drew a fire truck on his..Brit drew them rescuing someone in a fire on his. After they were finished, we put our hands on the plates of muffins and asked Jesus to protect these men/women who risked their lives to protect us...
When Liam got up, we went to the firestation and asked if we could tell the fire fighters thank you. With each boy carrying a plate of muffins and their card, we went in. Britton asked the lady behind the glass if we could see the firefighters. She smiled and said to wait just a moment. A few moments later, a firefighter came out and led us to the back of the station where the trucks were. The boys handed their plate of muffins to the men and women in the break room and Britton said, we just wanted to say thank you. I had included a note on the back of his card that said, "My boys are learning about showing kindness to others..thank you for letting us make muffins for you." The Griffin family. The firefighters seemed a little stunned...One of them yelled, FOOD! But the others just looked and smiled at the boys. Then one of the firemen said, would you like to see the trucks? Aidan and Brit both grinned a smile that spread from one ear to the other. When we got back there, they gave Brit and Aidan honorary firefighter badges and allowed them to stand on the back of the truck...
As we were walking away...Brit said to Aidan, "that was so cool." Aidan's reply, "yeah, I could hardly get words to come out." Now, I am not naive...I know that the fire trucks were probably the BIGGEST cool factor there..but they were able to show kindness to someone they think is extremely cool...and THAT is the coolest thing there is!
Can't wait to see what God has us do next week!
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