As I mentioned in previous posts, the Griffin boys, & me of course, have decided to be intentional servants this summer. We have decided to intentionally do ONE random act of kindness a week and to seek God's guidance before/as we complete it. Last week, we were in Colorado for both vacation and my brother's wedding. I had thought that perhaps our "intentional" random act would probably fall by the wayside because we were in unfamiliar territory. I was wrong, although I didn't realize it until about 20 minutes ago!
Now that we are home, my current book of choice is "The Missional Mom". It is simply awesome. It is about living with purpose at home & in the world. It kind of goes along with my new found purpose for my life. I am truly enjoying it. While stealing a few minutes with my book this morning, I came upon a portion that sort of hit me between the eyes. The author Helen Lee was sharing how we Christians think "that there are things we must 'do' for God in order to live more missionally." When in truth, "we are to serve God in (the circumstances he has placed us in) and that doing things for God becomes an outflow of our connectedness WITH Him."
As I read this..God immediately reminded me of a little situation that occurred while we were in Denver on our first full day in Colorado. We had driven to Denver to visit some friends and we had decided to meet at the Downtown Aquarium. We were outside saying our hellos (we hadn't seen them in 6 years) and giving hugs, introducing kids, etc. when my eldest son, Britton did just what Helen Lee spoke of in her book. While standing there, a strong wind came up and blew off some pamphlets from a Downtown Aquarium's outside kiosk. The worker behind the counter, got up to pick them up and before she could, Britton had ran over and started picking them up for her. Because we were kind of hustling to beat the crowd into the aquarium, the "random act" of service went unmentioned by Josh and I...however, God reminded me of it for a purpose. You see, Brit did exactly what he should have done. He stopped and through his actions showed that lady Christ in his actions. He is only 7 years old...WHAT A STATEMENT!
I can honestly say that now as I think back, it's probably a good thing I'm not wearing buttons, because I just might be busting them a bit...and I'm just mom..I wonder if God busted his buttons when he saw this child of his, this young boy of 7 years old, who 6 mos earlier entered into a relationship with Him, serve Him as an outflow of his connectedness with Him?! I kinda think He probably did...
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