Sunday, June 5, 2011

Looky, Looky, Looky

I had a thought the other day about raising a mom of three boys, it is mine and their daddy's job to teach them that SOMETIMES in life, you have to avert your eyes. A prime example of this is in the mall. Now, we walk by and probably don't think a thing of it, and this is in part due to our sexually saturated society, the larger than life women in their undergarments in the Victoria's Secret store. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm all about pretty undergarments...but this is an example of how when I notice my 7 year old staring with eyes large, causes me concern. The same is true with the way people dress at the beach and sometimes just how they dress in the general public. You see, I want my boys to believe that a woman's beauty comes from the inside....her spirit is a thing to admired..not so much the amount of clothing she chooses to wear. Yes, this is 14th century thinking....but that's ok.
As I said, our society is sexually saturated...but then we women get ticked when a guy lusts over the chick at a restaurant where a ladies body parts are glorified....even being a thing to stare at...
We get mad at a guy when all a guy thinks about is sex, yet we have shown it to him since he was 3...even if it is just girls in panties. We can't have it both, in my home, we talk about how just SOMETIMES you need to avert your eyes...yes, it is difficult...and not always the POPULAR route...but sometimes it must be done.
Knowing that we are entering interesting territory, I got to thinking about something. Do we HAVE to look if it is RIGHT in front of us? For example, we drive by a house in our subdivision and notice that all their lights are on, enabling us to see clear through their house...should we look? I heard a story about a woman and her child who were walking down the side walk and saw a man, in his OWN home naked...she sued. REALLY? Is that what we are down to...just because we CAN look...that means we SHOULD? I don't believe we should...something is offensive to us, look the other way! Don't stare...causing your child to look and then get ticked b/c they saw something inappropriate. When we pass cars on the you LOOK? and then get offended at what you saw? Well...I say, serves you right..just because you CAN..doesn't mean you SHOULD...isn't this the lesson we teach our children about practically everything their peers do? If so and so were to jump off a cliff and all that...Well, how about we raise a new generation of gentlemen? Teach them to NOT look....or if they do, avert their eyes and if the thoughts will not go away, ask God for THAT so bad?

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