While I was outside with Liam this afternoon, I thought it might be fun to put him in the wagon and give him a ride. Aidan was never "into" the wagon the way Britton was so I have kinda gotten out of the habit of a child who enjoys a wagon ride. Liam, who no doubt will continue to surprise me, LOVED it. I believe he enjoyed it more than Britton used to, and that is saying a lot! While we were taking our walk, I pointed out the pretty trees and I told him stories of what his brothers were like and how I met his daddy. And he listened..yeah, yeah, I know he's only ONE...but he didn't try to jump out of the wagon which tells ME he loved my stories. (I would appreciate staying ignorant in my bliss, ok?!) So, during my version of how Daddy let Britton unroll all the toilet paper when HE was one & how we learned our lesson on that...I turned and looked at Liam. He was sitting perfectly still in the wagon, smiling, with his eyes closed because the SUN was blinding him! (yeah, mother of the year, I am NOT) Shucks..so, in being the AWESOME creative person I am, and forgetting that I have sunglasses for him, I decided to block the sun with my body/shadow and pull the wagon backwards. Now you may be thinking that this is going to end in me tripping or in some other blooper-like fashion, but no....I was fairly graceful....but it was surprisingly difficult to keep him IN my shadow..b/c not only were we moving (me walking, pulling wagon) but he was rocking back and forth in the wagon as well. It was during my battle at keeping him in my shadow that I had a thought...
I wonder, if it is as hard for the Lord to keep me in HIS shadow as it was for me to keep Liam in mine? Like a child, I am always moving...always thinking I got things UNDER CONTROL! Always leaving his side to see what's "out there". THEN when things start to fall apart, I wonder where He is. When I can no longer "see" I figure it out and I run back to his side and promise never to leave again. For it is in His shadow that I find rest, safety, comfort, shelter. And, while it
was difficult for me to keep Liam in my shadow, I kept doing it...I never quit (well, till we were done, that is!) and our Abba is the same way. He stays with me, and even follows my wiggles. WOW. What a mighty God we serve! So, the next time you're outside and you see your shadow, thank the maker of the shadow and thank Him for keeping you in His.
Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wings.
(ok, so I so love that one...apple of his eye...hehe..love that!)
Psalm 36:7 How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 57:1 Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings, until the disaster has passed.
Isaiah 49:2a He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of his hand he hid me.
Hoping these offer you some comfort and serve as a reminder just awesome his shadow is!
Liam, in the shadow of the house! |
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