Friday, August 12, 2011

School, mean kids, Momma's & Him

Britton (& Momma)
As I'm sitting on the deck, this morning, listening to the chirping birds, enjoying the cool air and just spending some quiet time praying and learning, I am hit with a sudden realization.  My oldest son, Britton, will be starting 2nd grade next week.  I remember so well my 2nd grade year...and what I remember isn't all good.  I remember it being a rough year...where friends divided up...boys played with boys, girls played with girls...girls ganged UP on girls...cliches were formed...hmm. 
Now, as a momma, I look at my oldest and my heart lurches.  I don't want him to suffer anymore than absolutely necessary.  I even had the thought, well if I can just go WITH him, surely I can help him pick out the "good" kids! *chuckle* You know, because it is absolutely COOL to have your momma with you in 2nd grade! ha! I'm not alone... I'm sure all momma's feel this some point...we want to protect our babies..even when they are 18, 21...35.  We don't want them to feel any makes our hearts lurch to even THINK about it.  When I think of someone being mean to Brit or even him feeling alone, my throat burns, my eyes water up, Momma bear claws pop out....not pretty.  All of us Momma's feel that way about our babies...even if we ARE too tough to admit it! 
Unfortunately, our monkeys do grow up on us...and even MORE unfortunate is the fact that they are going to face pain inflicted by others...they will feel disappointment for not being picked first....and they will face sadness at some point in their lives.  Unfortunately.  But the NOT so unfortunate thing is that they can have a sidekick...a secret weapon of sorts.  You see, I don't send Brit to school alone...visibly yes, he's by himself... much as I think Momma's SHOULD be allowed to go with them...we are not. But there is another presence with him.  During the school day, I pray for God's presence to be with him.  To not leave encourage him, embrace him if he needs it, to show him right from wrong...but most importantly, that Britton wouldn't be "damaged" by the harmful ways of fellow peers.  I spend the day, off and on, pleading with God to protect my baby...
Now you may be thinking, well that's all good and well, but what about the hurt in OUR do we keep from MURDERING those that hurt our young? You see, during that prayer time, not only am I lifting up Britton...I'm also lifting up myself...asking God to still my help me BEAR it when he comes home upset because of what someone said, didn't say; did or didn't do.  But most importantly, that God would help me see that this is a part of life...sadly enough...and as a momma, my job is to lift them up, when they are young...and to teach them to lift themselves up in prayer as they mature.  Help them to see that they are not alone...and that though it may seem tough, it's all for a better purpose, even though right now, it just plain sucks!  Sadly, that, in this world, simply believing in the one who never leaves you makes you a target for ridicule, judgment, sarcasm...and yes, even hatred... and that as painful as that is, you still never leave Him.  Life is tough...but HE is tougher.  Tears are perfectly ok...screaming into your pillow, TOTALLY acceptable....We mommas, need to remind them that, though it may happen all over again tomorrow, you still must be strong...hold onto the one who loves you more than life...remember that you are loved and precious...and know that Momma will be waiting in the car when school is over...waiting with a hug or high five...waiting to tell you that it's're safe now.  

Love you Brit...
Psalm 71:1
In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. 

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