On Saturday Britton did a fundraiser for an all accessible playground. He heard the story of Melaina, a sweet little girl was a vibrant and spunky 3-year- old who didn’t let a disease like Nemaline Myopathy diminish her spirit. Even though she had some physical limitations, she still wanted the adventure that comes to a child through a playground. An adventurous girl much like Britton. Every since Britton heard about Melaina he has been determined to help in the building of this all accessible playground. He says it's important for "all kids to play together." His heart was touched. Last year he organized a hot cocoa sale at the hospital in his daddy's work lounge. He did it all, I merely assisted. I sat in awe of him while he explained in detail why this playground is so extremely important. He has been after me to help him do something else for Melaina's playground. I kept putting it off, chalking it all up to the busyness of life. A few weeks ago, he looked at me and said, "Momma, we have GOT to do SOMETHING." I knew my procrastination was at it's end. Thanks to a friend, we had discovered some yummy chocolate from Wisconsin. Brit and I discussed and came to the conclusion that these yummy Easter bunnies and lambs would be a fun thing for him to sell. So, on Saturday at the Pre Spring Fling, he sold his bunnies and lambs. Once again, I sat in awe as he grinned his toothless grin from ear to ear and sold people candy to help build a playground. I have no doubt that God laid on his heart to do this. Though his father and I believe it is an amazing cause, his passion is his own. He explains, with confidence, the reason this is important to people with questions. They look to his father and I and seem to think it's our words he is sharing...It is not. Britton has always been his own person. I think back to his toddler years when he showed such compassion at the young age of 2 at the train table at Barnes and Noble. He IS a wonderful example of what Compassion can truly look like.
In watching him on Saturday, I realized that I can learn much from my little seven year old man. He loves without limits. I watched him with Mrs. Cunningham, Melaina's mommy, on Saturday and though he has just met her, he loves her. She is a part of HIS family, HIS circle. He loves freely. No one has to DO anything to earn his love. He just does. And he does so in a VERY mature manner.
He is full of compassion. One Sunday Britton and I were watching Extreme HomeMakeover and there was a story of a little boy who gave his house to another family who did not have one. Britton was amazed by this. I heard him the next day telling his friend about it and how cool it was. I have no doubt that the day is coming when Britton will walk into our home and ask if he can give it or his clothes away. Every year when we pack shoe boxes, he goes to his playroom and gets toys out. He is VERY particular..they must look nice, look new, and be non violent toys. He then puts them in his shoe box to send to other children.
He is fearless. Britton has no idea that the world can be a tough place for a person with a tender heart like his. He has no reservations about telling others they too should give to others. He isn't doing it to be bossy, he just wants everyone to give because HE enjoys it, he says YOU will too!
I remember when I had Britton, I constantly worried that I wouldn't be a good example to him. Little did I know that HE would teach ME.
Brit-boo..I hope you NEVER lose any of this! You are amazing!!
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