This morning our family had to divide. Josh went to church to play in the band and I had to stay home with the boys because Aidan is sick. I had a fairly cruddy attitude when I had to make the decision to stay home. Was really needing a rejuvenation to my spirit this morning. My mind has been plagued by much lately.
A few weeks ago, I had the thought, what if God "makes us" stay here. I thought I was dreaming when I thought He told me we would be moving to Colorado Springs. The love I have discovered for the place is self created, it is my way of running. In essence I was hearing a lot of negative thoughts, making me doubt everything I felt God had told me in our quiet times for the past year. Ironically the job sight for Anesthesiologist has not had ONE job for CO since I started hearing those doubts. See, I thought...You were just being silly. You're not moving. You are where you belong. Just deal! God didn't tell you anything.
Back to present time: As I said previously, I had a really cruddy attitude about having to stay home. I was sitting in the living room, my boys were playing in their bedrooms, and I felt God urge me to get out the Family Reading Bible from Focus on the Family that we bought while in CO. This Bible is amazing. It has three paths to follow that connect characters to each other and lead your family through the Bible. The short path is what we are following because of the ages of our kids, as it is for 3-7 year olds. There are ?'s at the completion of the passage and a "let's talk" section where it provokes thoughts, and makes connections between God, the Bible and your life. I opened it up to where we were last and called the boys down. We piled up on the couch and began reading where we left off last. Now usually I read one passage, ask the ?'s, discuss and then we are done. Today, however, I needed more. My spirit was crying out for more from HIM. I told the boys, let's read some more. Surprisingly, they were excited. We continued to read the next passage about God flooding the Earth and Noah obeying God by building the Ark. I got to the ?'s and the let's talk section. I was sort of mindlessly reading the ?'s and thinking how I could better explain God's plans and actions to my small children. Then God hit me between the eyes. It was so unexpected I actually started and stopped mid sentence. The boys sat patiently & silently looking at me with wide eyes of expectation. They knew something big was happening. Here is what I read: "God showed through his words and through his actions that he remembered his covenant with Noah. God keeps every promise he makes." It was so unsuspected I felt tears immediately well up in my eyes and my spirit soared. It was one of those moments that if I were a little less inhibited I would have jumped up and shouted a hallelujah! You see, the last two weeks I have been listening to the voice of the enemy. He had me convinced that I hadn't really heard God when he guided me to look at CO Springs. Which in turn was tearing apart my confidence in the relationship that I had with my Abba. Not GOOD! I started slipping in my conversations with Him. I began to wonder if I EVER really hear HIM. Or is it voices in my head? Then this morning, without a doubt, God spoke to me. He said, Misty, I hear you..and yes, you heard me. I WILL keep my promise to take you to the city that I showed you. Have faith. You are mine. Even as I write this, I have that urge to shout a hallelujah again! Oh Praise you Lord...You are so good to me and I want to serve you in EVERYTHING I do. I love you.
My boys: as I read God's message to me, Brit's spirit responded to the change in mine. As did Aidans. They both had this big smile on their faces...I didn't immediately share with them the message those words "God keeps every promise he makes" held from my Abba. I needed to think a minute and praise the Lord in private first. But, their spirits knew...they sensed the change in me. Brit said, let's sing some praise songs. So we proceeded to follow our story with a few kids praise songs and then we popped in the new Wow Hits DVD. Brit said Momma, I wanna see the video for Born Again...We all sang along and praised the Lord in dance. Brit said Momma I'm having fun praising God. Thank you for reading two passages this time...I smiled and thought, yes, Thank you God for urging me to do so...Once again, you knew EXACTLY what I needed. Wow, he is so good.
Afterthought: After writing this, I called the boys over to me and shared with them how I had been having these thoughts about not hearing God and such..I would have given anything to have a picture of Britton's wrinkled brow and look of true concern on his face. Then I showed him the part that God used to encourage me. Brit smiled and said, "Momma, God just told you that he promised you we will move to Colorado Springs and he just reminded you that we WILL because he PROMISED." Oh yeah...he gets it...I smiled and said, "Wow isn't God good to us Brit." Brit smiled and said, "Yes, Momma, he is." and the people (me) said...Amen...
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