This evening something happened that I never dreamed would. Our dog, yellow lab, was hit by a car and died. When the neighbor called to tell us that Shelby was lying in her driveway, Josh and I ran over. When we got there we knew it was bad...Shelby wouldn't even look up. She was hurt bad. I will leave out the gory details, but something happened before Shelby went to be with her maker that will forever hold a place in my heart. I knew it was getting bad, as her breathing was getting labored. I asked Josh to send out the boys. He ran in and got them. They came out and I explained to give Shelby a kiss because she was hurt and was going to die. They started kissing her and crying. Aidy's wail was so heartbreaking that Shelby started trying to lift her head. I couldn't believe it. Even in her duress she was trying to comfort Aidan. From the beginning she has been Aidan's dog. Santa brought her to him because that was all he asked for. A dog! He loved her from the beginning. It didn't matter if she was muddy..he hugged on her anyway. His love for her was truly unconditional! And tonight, as she breathed her last breaths she was ready to comfort Aidan, her master. After we got to the hospital with her and they told us she was gone. They brought her in for us to kiss and hug. I was petting her and Aidy was trying to kiss her, but was too short. I picked him up and he kissed her ear and said, "I love you Shelb, you were my favorite dog." Pure and true unconditional love.
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