Saturday, December 4, 2010

Is it time for that already?

Today at the craft fair I was working, Britton let me in on a little drama going on in his mind that I was NOT aware of! We were sitting behind my booth visiting when Britton left to go to the restroom. He came back and his cheeks were all flushed. He said, "Momma, there are two pretty girls in here and they are stressing me out!" I said, "WHAT?" He said, "they are stressing me out!" Then he proceeded to point out one of the pretty girls and as she turned to walk toward our booth with her mother, he jumped behind my chair! I said, "Brit, what are you doing?" He said, "SSSHHHH". I then looked at the little girl and looked at Brit and began to watch something unfold that I had NO idea it was time to start preparing for. He peeked out from behind the chair and the little girl looked at him and she blushed and stepped behind her mom. Britton then ducked behind the chair again! After she walked off, he stood up and then the second little girl walked up and he ducked behind again! After the second girl walked off, he said, "Momma, I thought I was going to fall madly in love with (a little girl from school)". I sat in stunned silence! I would have giggled, but the look on his face and the blush in his cheeks told me that indeed these two "pretty girls" were indeed stressing him out! And I did what EVERY good mom does! I looked at dad and said, "you better field this!" So for the next few minutes I listened to a conversation between Britton and his daddy about how there are going to be a lot of pretty girls out there and how important it is to make friendships right now and study in school and just enjoy youth. And how God will someday show him who he is indeed going to "fall madly in love with" and she will be pretty inside AND out! He said, "I know Dad."
I cannot believe that at the age of six, this is something I have to even THINK about! I so want my sons to be strong men who respect women and know how to treat a woman like a lady. I know that some may think, well, lucky you! They are interested in girls and you don't have to do anything...that's DADDYS job! Oh, how wrong. Yes, daddy will be the one who fields all the questions about manhood. But, I am a woman. I understand girls, I was one! I am also the person who will show my sons how THEY can expect to be treated by showing them through my actions toward their daddy. No, my job is not seems to me it's getting even more involved! Lord give me strength, is it time for THIS already?

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