Tonight we watched The Nativity with Britton. It was his first year to watch the movie and while it ended up being a time of MANY questions and some REALLY awkward answers..ie Momma why is Mary's parents upset that she is having a baby....Why is Elizabeth making those noises when she is having her baby? eek...It was also a time for me to do my "thinkin".
Let me set it up for you...Mary went to Elizabeth where when Mary spoke the baby, John, in Elizabeth's womb jumped...Elizabeth said, blessed are you among women, totally awesome by the way..who wouldn't LOVE to be greeted like that! Then Mary stays with them awhile, goes home, barely avoids a stoning, then leaves with Joseph to go to Bethlehem. She has the baby that changed the world. Now is my favorite scripture of all time...."But Mary treasured up all
these things and
pondered them in her heart."
I got to thinking...the song says, Mary did you know, that your baby boy, would someday walk on water....Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters, did you know that your baby boy was Heaven's perfect lamb, this sleeping child your holding, is the great I Am. As I am thinking of that song, watching Hollywood's interpretation of THE story and looking at my sons sitting on either side of me I had the thought, yeah...she knew. Mary was not a brainless broad who just happened to win the virgin birth lottery. She was a thinker...and that thinker became a MOM, which if Mary and I were anything alike, made her think more. Nothing has made me more introspective than becoming a mom. Having my boys has made me look at everything in my life, in my past and what could become of my future. The moment Liam was placed in my arms, I immediately knew that this child was capable of anything. He could be the one who finds the cure for cancer, the one who would feed the starving orphans in Africa...he is sure to be the one who would do GREAT things...With Britton, I had visions of him going to far away countries and building orphanages and loving on homeless children. Aidan was going to do unthinkable things to help other people. I just KNEW it. So, as I said the song asks, Mary, did you know? Yes, she knew...All mother's know...All mother's know that their babies are going to do great things. That is partly what is so tragic when you see another mother on the morning talk shows trying to explain why her son decided to go in and shoot up a school. She never dreamed when she was holding her precious son that her future would hold THIS...she knew it would be something BIG...it had to be it was HER precious baby...she just had no idea it would be tragic...
The same with Mary..she KNEW it would be great..she KNEW he was perfect...she just didn't know it would be tragic...heartbreaking....the beginning of something BIGGER than life and all life before and after the birth of her precious baby. We all THINK we have perfect babies...Mary was right in her thinking...it wasn't just a mother's bias...it was reality...He WAS the perfect baby. He WAS the perfect man. He WAS the perfect sacrifice. He IS the perfect Savior. He IS.
I just wondered how long Mary pondered. His entire life? Hers? Now, as a mom, a daughter of the King, I too follow Mary's example....This Christmas, I find myself treasuring up all these things and pondering them in my heart. If you're a mom, I'm sure you are pondering some things yourself...How could you read about the birth or watch it on tv and NOT? Here's to hoping your ponderings help you find the answers.
Merry Christmas.