Thursday, December 30, 2010

Funny things my boys said while on our trip!

*at the zoo while looking at giraffes: Momma, I like his sweater! (referring to the hide of the giraffe)
*to me after I got done putting my make up on: Momma, your face wooks weally pwetty, after you did whatever you did to it.
*Josh said to me: whatcha doin baby? Aidy answers thinking his daddy is talking to him: eatin my boogers.
*I am so glad I am better. I allowed my family this opportunity to experience this awesome zoo!
*to Aidan at Whole Foods about the tofu stick: I guarantee you will NOT like this!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Christmas was a wonderful time for my little family. However, I found myself not really getting into the "spirit" of things with the whole gift exchange thing. I couldn't exactly pin point WHAT exactly bothered me about it though. I thought and thought...Finally, I realized that I have never been a fan of the rip open, throw, & repeat way of doing Christmas morning. Actually, I don't like any type of event where the people open the gifts and never really know WHO they are from or WHY it was given. For example...last year at Britton's birthday party, I had each child get the gift that they had brought and sit down close to Britton. One at a time, each child handed Britton the gift that they had brought him. It enabled him to say thank you and look each friend in the face while doing so. I loved it. To this day, Britton can tell me who got him the Star Wars lego's when he plays with them. With that in mind..this Christmas I told the boys we were going to do the same thing. I took Britton shopping for his daddy, Aidan and Liam and took Aidan shopping for daddy, Britton and Liam. I bought Liam's presents for his brothers and daddy. Each brother helped me wrap the gifts then they put them under the tree. I enjoyed watching them show each other which one was their present for each other. Then Christmas morning, I was fully prepared to be "momma bear" and have to guide my lil cubs into what I feel is the proper act of giving a gift. However, something happened that I was completely unprepared for. I handed Britton a gift from me and his dad. Then we watched him open it. After that, I handed Britton a gift and said, Britton here is the gift for your daddy. He said, ok, Daddy you're going to LOVE this...and then he waited...practically jumping up and down with excitement. Then, as I handed Aidy a present from me, Aidy said, "Wait Momma, where's the present I bought Britton?" He then proceeded to look under the tree for his gift. I couldn't believe it. He was more excited to give Britton his gift than he was to open the gift for himself. I thought that at that moment...THAT is what Christmas is all about. Giving a gift that you have put some thought into. Something that you looked for and chose just for that special brother or friend in your life. Isn't it?
I know in our home, we will never again give a gift or receive a gift and not know who it is from. Each present will be handed, personally to the recipient...I want my children to know that GIVING is more important than receiving.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mary did you know?

Tonight we watched The Nativity with Britton. It was his first year to watch the movie and while it ended up being a time of MANY questions and some REALLY awkward Momma why is Mary's parents upset that she is having a baby....Why is Elizabeth making those noises when she is having her baby? eek...It was also a time for me to do my "thinkin".
Let me set it up for you...Mary went to Elizabeth where when Mary spoke the baby, John, in Elizabeth's womb jumped...Elizabeth said, blessed are you among women, totally awesome by the way..who wouldn't LOVE to be greeted like that! Then Mary stays with them awhile, goes home, barely avoids a stoning, then leaves with Joseph to go to Bethlehem. She has the baby that changed the world. Now is my favorite scripture of all time...."But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."
I got to thinking...the song says, Mary did you know, that your baby boy, would someday walk on water....Mary did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters, did you know that your baby boy was Heaven's perfect lamb, this sleeping child your holding, is the great I Am. As I am thinking of that song, watching Hollywood's interpretation of THE story and looking at my sons sitting on either side of me I had the thought, yeah...she knew. Mary was not a brainless broad who just happened to win the virgin birth lottery. She was a thinker...and that thinker became a MOM, which if Mary and I were anything alike, made her think more. Nothing has made me more introspective than becoming a mom. Having my boys has made me look at everything in my life, in my past and what could become of my future. The moment Liam was placed in my arms, I immediately knew that this child was capable of anything. He could be the one who finds the cure for cancer, the one who would feed the starving orphans in Africa...he is sure to be the one who would do GREAT things...With Britton, I had visions of him going to far away countries and building orphanages and loving on homeless children. Aidan was going to do unthinkable things to help other people. I just KNEW it. So, as I said the song asks, Mary, did you know? Yes, she knew...All mother's know...All mother's know that their babies are going to do great things. That is partly what is so tragic when you see another mother on the morning talk shows trying to explain why her son decided to go in and shoot up a school. She never dreamed when she was holding her precious son that her future would hold THIS...she knew it would be something had to be it was HER precious baby...she just had no idea it would be tragic...
The same with Mary..she KNEW it would be great..she KNEW he was perfect...she just didn't know it would be tragic...heartbreaking....the beginning of something BIGGER than life and all life before and after the birth of her precious baby. We all THINK we have perfect babies...Mary was right in her wasn't just a mother's was reality...He WAS the perfect baby. He WAS the perfect man. He WAS the perfect sacrifice. He IS the perfect Savior. He IS.
I just wondered how long Mary pondered. His entire life? Hers? Now, as a mom, a daughter of the King, I too follow Mary's example....This Christmas, I find myself treasuring up all these things and pondering them in my heart. If you're a mom, I'm sure you are pondering some things yourself...How could you read about the birth or watch it on tv and NOT? Here's to hoping your ponderings help you find the answers.
Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 12, 2010

Today my son was baptized. Britton put on his swim shorts and a tee shirt and walked to the front of the church. He stepped into a pool of water, declared his faith in God, professed to follow Him and then....he took the mike from our preacher! I know, it wasn't what I expected either. I was shocked. I had this urge to reach forward and take the mike from him, but a small voice said, "be still". I later found out that Josh heard the SAME still small voice. Here is what Britton said: Hello, my name is Britton and I was born on March 13. My mom and dad love me very much and I know that Jesus loves me very much too. I am going to be baptized today because I know he died for my sins and I am going to be born again because I love him too.

I was shocked...stunned...speechless...and in tears. He is such an amazing little boy, always has been. Britton has always been his own person. He didn't need me on Tuesday when he accepted Christ into his heart and he didn't need me today, when he entered into baptism. He made his decision. He followed through with it. It was his and his alone. THAT is how I know this was real. I KNOW without a doubt that TODAY my son was born again...

So, Britton, never forget today. It was the day that you decided to live your life for God. You did so with such honesty and purity that it touched everyone who witnessed it. Someday, you may doubt this decision. Just know that that is normal. It is at this moment that you just have to TRUST that God has you in the palm of his hand as he did on this day and you belong to Him. He loves you and he understands your doubts. Just ask him to help you through this period of doubt. We call this blind faith. Where you continue to follow HIM even when you're not sure what you're doing, or why. Just give it time. God will remove your doubts, if you let him. I love you son. I am very proud of you!

xo Momma

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Today, a very important day...

Today, December 7, 2010 started like any other day. I got the boys up, started getting everyone dressed. Would stop every few minutes to play with Liam who was laying on my bed. However, this morning, I had this urge to watch this video on the new WOW 2011 DVD I had just purchased. I turned it on and listened to the song that I like and was ready to turn it off. The next song on the DVD came on and Brit said, "ooh Newsboys, momma can I watch this?" I looked at the clock..."sure, but just this one and then we gotta get goin." The song came on, we watched the video and then we turned off the tv and went downstairs. We got our shoes and coats on and loaded up in the van. As we were backing out of the driveway Britton asked me a question that would begin a conversation that would forever mark this day in history. The conversation went something like this. "Momma, what does Born Again mean?" I said, "Well, when you tell God that you want him to be the Lord of your life, and you ask him to forgive you for your sins, you leave your old life behind and are kind of born again." He said, "I wanna do that." I said, " you believe Jesus is your Savior and that he died for you?" "Yes." "Well, have you asked Him to forgive you for your sins?" "No, I'm gonna do that right now." He bows his head and I hear him pray. In my mind I was thinking, God is this for real? Is this THE moment? Is this IT? Britton is at a crossroads Lord, did he just choose YOU? He raised his head up and said "Momma, now I need to be Baptized." In my mind/heart, I said, oh yes, Lord, you have definitely been talking to him. I assured him that we would talk to our preacher and he said ok. He jumped out of the car and said goodbye to his brothers, told me he loved me and shut the van door and walked into school.
Wow..I have always known/hoped this moment would come. I just never dreamed it would happen when I was taking him to school! But then again, nothing with Britton has ever occurred the way I THOUGHT it would or should. Britton has always been HIS own person. He was born older, independent, brilliant! He is my serious child who takes everything to heart. He was always God's. When I was pregnant with him, I would lay my hands on my tummy and pray for him. It was the only time he was ever still. It was like he KNEW. He has his own convictions and always has. This is just another step in his walk with his Savior. Today, God/Jesus went from Britton's pal to his Savior. What a day...
Britton, I am so honored to be your momma. I have always said, you are awesome, in spite of your father and me...We love you so much...
love, momma

Monday, December 6, 2010

My heart...Mary's heart...the heart of those who saw

"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. " Matthew 2:11

I was in Lifeway shopping for Christmas and on a sign they had up to advertise a new book, the above scripture was written. I read it and had to stop a minute. Something about it grabbed me. I know I have read this scripture a dozen or so times, but for some reason, it grabbed me this time. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the picture I had in my head. Where Mary should have been, it was me, where there should have been the baby Jesus, it was my little Liam. How would I have reacted? Becoming a mother is about as overwhelming an experience as any woman can have. The simple act of the child leaving your body where you have felt, treasured every movement for the last 9 months and feel it no longer. The emptiness is immediate. You just KNOW they are no longer there. Then they are in your arms. You are looking at this little life and thinking is THIS mine? Did Mary think that? Did she think is HE mine?! Did she immediately feel protective of this child? That she would walk through fire for him RIGHT then? Did she want to curl up with him in her arms and stare at him for hours? What was her heart doing? Did it lurch like mine did? Was it so overcome with this unexplainable love that it overwhelmed her? These normal feelings that only a mother can understand and then these strangers come in and fall to their knees and worship this sweet little bundle of joy! What did Mary feel at that moment? The vanity in me would probably think "yes, SEE didn't I DO GOOD?!" Did Mary understand the monstrosity of the moment? Or was she just overwhelmed? Did she wonder what these people were thinking? Did she wonder why they were here? Or, did she know. What was in Mary's heart?
I know what was in my heart when I saw all three of my sons and I knew what dreams I had for them the moment they were placed in my arms. I knew what I wanted for them and what I wanted to protect them from. I knew what I wanted others to think of them and I knew how to love them. I KNEW....and I didn't give birth to the Savior....did Mary KNOW?!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Is it time for that already?

Today at the craft fair I was working, Britton let me in on a little drama going on in his mind that I was NOT aware of! We were sitting behind my booth visiting when Britton left to go to the restroom. He came back and his cheeks were all flushed. He said, "Momma, there are two pretty girls in here and they are stressing me out!" I said, "WHAT?" He said, "they are stressing me out!" Then he proceeded to point out one of the pretty girls and as she turned to walk toward our booth with her mother, he jumped behind my chair! I said, "Brit, what are you doing?" He said, "SSSHHHH". I then looked at the little girl and looked at Brit and began to watch something unfold that I had NO idea it was time to start preparing for. He peeked out from behind the chair and the little girl looked at him and she blushed and stepped behind her mom. Britton then ducked behind the chair again! After she walked off, he stood up and then the second little girl walked up and he ducked behind again! After the second girl walked off, he said, "Momma, I thought I was going to fall madly in love with (a little girl from school)". I sat in stunned silence! I would have giggled, but the look on his face and the blush in his cheeks told me that indeed these two "pretty girls" were indeed stressing him out! And I did what EVERY good mom does! I looked at dad and said, "you better field this!" So for the next few minutes I listened to a conversation between Britton and his daddy about how there are going to be a lot of pretty girls out there and how important it is to make friendships right now and study in school and just enjoy youth. And how God will someday show him who he is indeed going to "fall madly in love with" and she will be pretty inside AND out! He said, "I know Dad."
I cannot believe that at the age of six, this is something I have to even THINK about! I so want my sons to be strong men who respect women and know how to treat a woman like a lady. I know that some may think, well, lucky you! They are interested in girls and you don't have to do anything...that's DADDYS job! Oh, how wrong. Yes, daddy will be the one who fields all the questions about manhood. But, I am a woman. I understand girls, I was one! I am also the person who will show my sons how THEY can expect to be treated by showing them through my actions toward their daddy. No, my job is not seems to me it's getting even more involved! Lord give me strength, is it time for THIS already?


Tonight I had a revelation!! I was eating supper with my family and was hit practically right between the eyes....I had my fork posed to go in my mouth and I said out loud to Josh, "Why I Never Traded My High Heels For Muddy Boots"..**chuckle** Josh looked at me and said, um ok?! I said THAT is the name of my book!
I have known since the beginning that I was going to write about being the mother of sons. I just had no idea WHAT direction I was going to go in. NOW I know! I have been flooded with ideas and feel so much more motivated! I had kind of hit a slump in my writing as of late. I had NO motivation and was finding a million reasons NOT to write! NOW...I have a direction.
I am so excited! So motivated!!
NOW, it's time to vent...why do people feel the need to apologize to me for having boys. My sons are not a consolation prize...they are my children, my precious angels...they are not the "consolation prize" in my quest to have a girl...they are NOT steps along my road to "get that" girl. My sons...THEY are the prize. THEY are the steps along my road to grow as a mother. There is no other goal, no other aspirations, no other desires. To be a good mother to my three sons IS my goal! One I take very seriously.
So, if you see me out, whether you catch us on a crazy day or a calm one, do me a favor. Do not feel sorry for me. Look at me and my three boys and say, Wow, that woman's EVERY dream has come true! How awesome is that!