It is 3:44 a.m. and I am awake....Normally this would upset me. However, I am finding that this is the time that God wakes me up and I spend time with Him, lifting my kids up, asking for His help in raising them.
It is always the same. I wake up around 3 with an urgency in my heart to lift up my kids in prayer for one issue or another so I get up, walk in their room, kneel, lay my hand on them and pray. Sometimes, if it's something that I feel really passionate about, words escape me. When this happens I find myself simply laying my hands on them and listening...I listen to the sound of their breathing, but more importantly I listen to what God is saying to me. I find that THIS is when our conversations are the most vivid. No, I am not dreaming. I am wide awake. I sometimes hear him telling me what I need to do to be a better mom, or what I need to do to protect them from the evil that's out there. Other times, I go in there, kneel down and know exactly what God wants to hear from me. I pray...I plead...and at times, I cry...Never in my life has my spiritual life been more active. I can almost SEE the evil around trying to invade my sons lives...I force it away in HIS name...I am almost always reminded of the painting by Ron Dicianni depicting an angel standing over a little boy as he sleeps...I have actually said, THAT God...THAT is what I am asking you to do right now...send an angel, of protection to watch my sons....to protect them from what I cannot see...
As I write this, I am sitting in Liam's room. He is in my tummy kicking around, happy as can be. I feel these little kicks and stop typing to place my hands and lift his little soul up. I find myself thanking God for him...pleading with God to protect him and deliver him safely to my arms and then to protect him thereafter.
Thank you Lord, for waking me up to talk to me....I love our talks..and I love the boys you have placed in my care...help me to not fail, to not fall..to raise them in YOUR image...Thank you God..
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