Several weeks ago, I found this website where I could compose a "real" letter from Santa to Britton. Because I am a total freak about Christmas, I was completely giddy over the idea and couldn't wait to get started. I worked on this letter for over an hour! Once, I finished, I paid for the letter, and closed my laptop with complete elation and satisfaction over my "yeah, mommy" moment!
(fast forward two weeks)
We got home from getting Britton & Aidan from school. In the mail was this VERY shiny red envelope. I looked at the addressee and noticed it was to Brit and had this GOLD label on it that said SC....As I said above, I am SUCH a freak I was absolutely spastic over this coming in the mail..."Brit," I squealed..."you got something in the mail." "What is it," he said. "I'm not sure" I fibbed...He took the envelope from me and immediately noticed the return address..."Santa Claus, North Pole, Alaska".."Momma," he is squealing now too, "it's from SANTA!"
"Oh, my goodness, let's open it!" I said...As I squatted down to open the envelope, all excitement quickly went away, as I looked at Aidan who was standing there and his smile slowly faded from his face, "where my yetter fwom Santa?"
uh oh
I hadn't ordered one for Aidan because I never DREAMED he would even notice it. What WAS I thinking? This kid notices EVERYTHING!
Tears immediately start pouring down Aidan's cheeks. I said, "Brit do you want to open your letter," not wanting to take away from my, I mean, Britton's exciting moment. He said, with absolute conviction, "I don't want to open it until Aidy is happy."
About 5 minutes later and after much explaining that Santa must have mailed his letter on another day Aidy was happy, Britton was ecstatic over his letter and all seemed well.
So..knowing I needed to get my computer plugged in so I could order a letter for Aidy, I ran upstairs to get the computer. As I was walking back down, I eavesdropped on a little conversation my two sons were having...it went like this...
Aidy: hey, Bit
Brit: Yeah, Aidy
Aidy: Bit, I want a wetta fwom Santa
Brit: Aidy, remember mommy said he was going to mail yours later
Aidy: oh kay, hey Bit
Brit: Yeah, Aidy
Aidy: I hate santa caus
Brit: you don't want to hate Santa Claus, he brings you the presents.
Aidy: awwite
Aidy: Hey Bit, will he bing me a puppy?
Brit: no, Aidy, he might bring you a wind up puppy but not a real one, he can't carry it in his bag.
Aidy: awwite
There are no words to describe the emotions I felt there, cowering on my stairs, so I could listen to my boys talk about Santa Claus. I learned several VERY valuable lessons....
1.Aidy notices everything and though he is two, has VERY strong emotions when he feels he was wronged.
2. Brit is a very sensitive person, especially when it comes to his brother.
and 3. I almost spoiled Santa all because I didn't pay attention to number one!
I will NOT let that happen again!
Merry Christmas, Aidy....
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