Friday, October 15, 2010

Funny things I heard today...

Aidan: I don't like daddy.
Me: well that's not very nice.
Aidan: well, he gets onto me.
Me: well, I get onto you and you love me don't you?
Aidan: well, I love daddy too, but I just get fwustawated.

Aidan: can I tell you a question?
Me: yes.
Aidan: well, sometimes when my booger itches and I can't find a kleenex, I have to eat it.
Me: ew.

Liam's Birth Announcement

Chic Screen Blue Baby 5x7 folded card
Make a statement with Shutterfly custom thank you cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Sweet Prayer from a Sweet Boy

Thank you Lord Jesus
please don't let Jesus die on the cross, let Him be ok.
Thank you for Britton, Liam, Mommy and Daddy and me, Aidan for we like to play
together. And Jack, Ben, Emma and Thomas we like to play cars and play d bill's. Thank you.

Above is the prayer that Aidan prayed when I tucked him into bed tonight. I was so touched I just had to blog it. He is 3 years old.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Brave Boy

Britton went to the Third Day, Toby Mac, Michael W. Smith concert with his daddy and his brother Aidan a few days ago. They had a blast. I was home with a disconnected jaw. On the way home from the concert, Josh called me and said he had sent a picture to my phone. It was of Britton, Josh, Aidan and TobyMac. I was shocked. I thought they must have done a meet and greet. When Josh got home he gave me the scoop. Britton said at the concert how badly he wanted to meet TobyMac. Josh informed him that he couldn't because TobyMac was so busy. Britton wouldn't take no for an answer. Josh finally told him that if he wanted to talk to TobyMac maybe he could go ask the security lady by the stage. Britton walked over there, all by himself, and asked the lady if he could meet TobyMac. She politely informed him that TobyMac was really busy and wouldn't be able to meet him. Britton said that he really wanted to tell him that he liked his song. The lady said well, tell me your name and I'll pass it along to him. Britton informed her his name was Britton and then walked over to his daddy, bummed. A bit later, the lady came up to them and asked them to come with her. She put passes on them and took them backstage where TobyMac stood waiting for them. Britton told TobyMac how much he liked his song and even sang a bit of it for him. TobyMac joined in. Then they talked about sports where TobyMac informed Britton that his son liked soccer too and how cool it would be if they could play with each other. Josh said TobyMac was amazing. Britton was thrilled and Aidy was petrified! oh well...
I am unbelievably proud of my brave Britton. I have always thought that someday he will move mountains. He is way too passionate about too many I KNOW he will move mountains because he will NOT take no for an answer. Very much a David. I am so proud of you Brit!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Three boys = Three prince's...

Today, we were on our way home from Branson and our little mini vaca. I was sitting in the back seat with Liam and Brit was sitting behind me. I was resting my head on the back of my seat and Britton reached up and started playing with my hair. At one point, he pulled my hair. I flinched. He reached up and rubbed my head. He spent the next 10 minutes or so, just "fixing" my hair. While he was doing so, I had a thought. I had a lady this summer, when I told her I was having a third boy, apologize. "I could NEVER have THREE BOYS," she said. I politely smiled and said, "oh, well, we are excited." Now, looking back, with my THREE boys next to me, I realize one thing. I am the LUCKIEST girl in the world. All my life I have wanted to be treated like a princess. I know that my my daddy loves me, my God loves me, my brother's and uncles love me, but I secretly wanted to be a princess. Nothing brings a tear to my eye quicker than a little girl pretending to be a princess. Now, with my 3 sons, ages 6, 3 and 6 weeks, I AM a princess! They think I am beautiful even when I have just gotten out of bed and my hair is on end. They will do anything for me. If they feel their daddy is being unfair to me (which never happens, it's all youthful ignorance and perception), they RUSH to defend me. They enjoy listening to me talk about the things I liked as a child and recently Aidy even sat down and played Barbie's with me. Just because I wanted to! I AM a princess. And I am the luckiest princess because I have 3 not just one, but 3 prince's showing me how special they think I am!!! be able to tell the lady from vacation that I would NEVER NOT want 3 boys!!! :)
Three boys=THREE PRINCE's!!!

**And thanks to their daddy for showing them HOW to treat a princess...You set a wonderful example baby!**