Today, we were on our way home from Branson and our little mini vaca. I was sitting in the back seat with Liam and Brit was sitting behind me. I was resting my head on the back of my seat and Britton reached up and started playing with my hair. At one point, he pulled my hair. I flinched. He reached up and rubbed my head. He spent the next 10 minutes or so, just "fixing" my hair. While he was doing so, I had a thought. I had a lady this summer, when I told her I was having a third boy, apologize. "I could NEVER have THREE BOYS," she said. I politely smiled and said, "oh, well, we are excited." Now, looking back, with my THREE boys next to me, I realize one thing. I am the LUCKIEST girl in the world. All my life I have wanted to be treated like a princess. I know that my my daddy loves me, my God loves me, my brother's and uncles love me, but I secretly wanted to be a princess. Nothing brings a tear to my eye quicker than a little girl pretending to be a princess. Now, with my 3 sons, ages 6, 3 and 6 weeks, I AM a princess! They think I am beautiful even when I have just gotten out of bed and my hair is on end. They will do anything for me. If they feel their daddy is being unfair to me (which never happens, it's all youthful ignorance and perception), they RUSH to defend me. They enjoy listening to me talk about the things I liked as a child and recently Aidy even sat down and played Barbie's with me. Just because
I wanted to! I
AM a princess. And I am the
luckiest princess because I have
3 not just
one, but
3 prince's showing me how special they think I am!!!
Wow...to be able to tell the lady from vacation that I would NEVER NOT want 3 boys!!! :)
Three boys=THREE PRINCE's!!!
**And thanks to their daddy for showing them HOW to treat a princess...You set a wonderful example baby!**