Friday, June 18, 2010

Can't believe I did it!

I dropped Britton off at swimming lessons this a.m. and then went home to fold some laundry. Was folding laundry and visiting with Aidan and all of a sudden I looked at the clock. It was 10:45...I realized I was 15 minutes late to get the time I got to the pool I was 25 minutes late! I am so horrified by this oversight that it's all I've thought about all day! I FORGOT my son! Sometimes I feel like my brain is on over load, obviously that is absolutely the case! When I got to the pool, I jumped out of the car and ran up the side walk and started apologizing to Britton and was crying, BIG TIME! Britton was so big and brave and he just kept saying, Mom it's ok. Everyone I told just laughed and then would share a story about how either THEY were left or they LEFT a child. I know it should make me feel better, but it really doesn't. I still, HOURS later, feel awful! It completely shook me. I AM capable of leaving a child someplace and forgetting them! UGH....God help me when Liam gets here and I have 3 to worry about!!
Hugs to you Britton....Mommy loves you so very much!