Since Britton has started school....I have noticed he chats my ear off when he gets home...It's like he misses talking to me...or at least that is what I thought and was confirmed in my thinking today. When we were on our way to recycling, Britton said, "momma, are you gonna have a baby when I grow up?" I said, "no baby, momma is done having babies." He said, "but you will be all alone," I said, "Oh, I'll be ok." He said, "Momma, I'm really gonna miss you when I grow up." I looked in the rear view mirror and he had tears in his eyes. I said, "oh, Brit it will be ok, I'll come see you and call you."
I cannot help but wonder if when he's 27 he will still feel like this! lol!
When he got home, he was sitting on his bed, I was in his closet getting out some clothes. He said, 'momma, the girl Kate in my class,' "uh, uh," I said,
"She has fallen madly in love with me."
I thought, oh no, what do I say?
I said,"Well, what makes you think that?"
He said, "she said she is my best friend, but I think she has fallen MADLY in love with me!"
I know he has to grow up, but after these two little stories, I realize, I need a little Britton in my day...I need to make time for us to "TALK" more! He is so interesting! I love that child of mine!